Product Ingredients List
We use only the finest natural ingredients in our products with no preservatives added. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to assist.
Sugar Scrub - Course granulated sugar, glycerin, sweet almond oil, essential oils if scented and food grade natural colorants if colored ie; ground beet powder, turmeric etc....no preservatives, vitamin E or Aloe Vera.
Lip Balm - Mango butter and beeswax for unflavored. Mango butter, beeswax and food grade natural flavorings. No colorants. No sunscreen, no preservatives! Just the good stuff!
Lotion - A light blend of olive oil and sunflower seed oils. A bit of beeswax to thicken and essential oils for scent if scented. Natural food grade colorants if colored such as ground beet powder (makes a beautiful pink shade)
We use no water in our lotion as it's a filler and promotes bacterial growth. No water means no preservatives. Lotion shelf life is 1 year from purchase but will probably last longer.
Just as your cooking oil of choice can go rancid over time usually a year so can lotion. Buy the size you'll use.
Shower Gel - Our thick liquid soap is made first by grating our handmade soap and cooking it low and slow until it reaches translucency. Made with distilled water, lye, potassium hydroxide, olive oil, sunflower seed oil, essential oil if scented and natural food grade colorants such as beet powder.
Bar Soap - Our handmade soap is made using distilled water, lye, olive oil, sunflower seed oil, essential oils if scented, natural food colorants such as beet powder if colored.
Hand stirred and poured. Each bar is hand cut with the same knife we've used since we began! The shapes are hand wrapped from their molds unless it's a small favor placed in sheer gift bag.
Laundry Soap - Our handmade finely grated soap mixed with natural Borax, washing soda and essential oils if scented. Uncolored however, certain oils will turn this product blue or brown depending on the properties of the essential oils. This in no way effects the quality of use of the product and does not stain your clothes.
Body Shimmer - Aloe Vera and cosmetic grade mica. Unscented.
Bath Fizzies (bombs) - So much more than just baking soda and citric acid pressed into a mold with colorant that could lead to a UTI!
We hand mix and mold each Bath Fizzies with food grade baking soda, citric acid, Aloe Vera, arrowroot powder and essential oils if scented. Uncolored
(These are fantastic and you may cut one in half for a regular size tub or use the whole thing for a garden size. Either way you will come out of your bath soft and silky.)
Body Powder - Food grade cornstarch blended with even lighter food grade arrowroot powder. Essential oils are sifted into each batch if scented. Uncolored.
Dog Shampoo - The list of ingredients for our dog shampoo is basically the same as the liquid (shower gel) or our bar soap (solid) with the exception that we PH balance our dog shampoo with a touch of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
Our skin is more acidic PH 5.5 while dogs are more alkaline with a PH of 6.4-7. Human shampoo could be used on dogs if needed however, repeated use would lead to possible skin issues. Straight baking soda has a PH of 8, so a very small amount will raise the PH level suitable for dogs.