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More Than Soap. . .


Friends of The Soap Lady Store


"Where the spirit does not work with hand, there is not art."  --- Da Vinci

At The Soap Lady Store in Jamestown, NC, we carry a variety of other interesting items from our local crafters.  As a good neighbor, we have listed a few of those crafters who also have their own websites.  Please feel free to visit their sites to see what they have to offer. 

Chris is our store graphic designer and also helps in the store, but  she is also a full time artist. The store carries some her alcohol ink and watercolor paintings, along with ornaments that she can personalize for you.  To see all of her watercolor and alcohol ink paintings, or to commission a special piece, visit her website at www.christinabecherart.com.

Beautiful ceramic and porcelain figurines of every type with gorgeous trimmings make for a very unique housewarming gift. Created by Donna Richardson in Jamestown, NC. Please visit her website at www.classictasselsandmore.com.

arcBARKS Dog Treat Company was conceived and developed by The Arc of Greensboro, Inc. to provide vocational training for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and is a non-profit company.  Our Soap Lady Store in Jamestown carries these treats locally for $5 per box.  100% of all profits go back to this company.  To read more about arcBARKS, go to arcBARKS.com

Jesse Lynn creates one of a kind jewelry from "found" and reclaimed jewelry pieces that are as unique as the person that buys them. Each piece crafted by hand and never the same. Visit her site to see her newest works of art. www.blueheronbyjesselynn.com